bioClass® the next level Hyperspectral food safety inspection through chemical identification of produce can easily identify and automatically remove foreign materials, from Automate and Control LTD. Complimentary to current quality inspection systems such as metal detectors and x-rays the bioClass® is capable of detecting non-conformance's previously only detectable with the human eye.
In modern high speed production facilities human inspection of 100% of your product is nearly impossible.
With our system we can detect small fragments of foreign materiel or even the overall quality of a product, our system can be used to detect muscular abnormalities in chicken breast or moisture levels in dates, sugar levels in oranges. So not only can our system be used for food safety it can also feedback live ingredient characteristics for production control such as the levels of sweetener required in a juice plant to maintain consistent parity of flavour.
Hyperspectral cube of pistachio nuts. Unlike standard RGB sorting grading systems our hyperspectral imaging system detects the chemical makeup of the produce so even same colour materials and foreign matter can be easily detected and segregated.
The above image shows the product classifications based on Nut, Skin, Shell, Skin on Nut and Nut on Shell. from this classification we can easily remove any unwanted components from the supply chain.
Hyperspectral cube of Almond nuts. Unlike standard RGB sorting grading systems our hyperspectral imaging system detects the chemical makeup of the produce so even same colour materials and foreign matter can be easily detected and segregated.
he above image shows the product classifications based on Nut, Mold, Deformation and Damage. from this classification we can easily remove any unwanted components from the supply chain.
Good Produce –
Chicken breast fillets without woody breast myopathy are shown here with more purple in the colouring when tested on our system.
Produce Showing Severe Woody Breast Syndrome – Patent Pending System
The more yellow in the image represents the severity level of woody breast myopathy in the chicken breast fillets. With our automatic grading system these fillets will have a severity value and can be reallocated to different types of final product such as nuggets, mince of strips.
With over 20 year’s experience in the date fruit industry Automate and Control bring the worlds first specifically built for date fruit sorting system. Using the latest digital hyperspectral sensor sorting technology coupled with individual date inspection and our date variety specific gentle eject/reject sorting product separation systems, ensures your delicate produce does not get damaged during the sorting process, ensuring ROI.
As we can differentiate between the hydrated and dehydrated parts of the fruit with our hyperspectral technology, we can detect dry skin and grade the fruit according to the acceptable levels on each piece of fruit. This is a perfect example how the advancement of hyperspectral machine vision can be leveraged to advance quality control.
Cardamom Pod Sorting and grading by size, colour and checking if the pod is empty, plus foreign material removal. Our advanced hyperspectral systems offer your customers only the best results therefore only the best produce will be received from your supply.
With a 20-30% difference in the cost of Arabica coffee beans compared to Robusta beans our systems can verify your supply is 100% pure. and optionally automatically sort the different bean varieties including removing foreign materials and detecting contamination. Food Fraud, more examples.
Our system can be used for 100% inbound ingredient inspection.
We can detect fat levels in minced meat.
Foreign Objects
Wrong species, such as horse meat mixed in with beef or pork.
Low Density Polymer Detection
During the manufacture of complex multiple ingredient foods no matter how careful manufacturers are there is a risk of packaging contamination getting into the final product.
Our system is capable of detecting chemical anomalies caused by alien polymers cause within the chemical buildup of the product it views. All in real-time and non contact so contaminated products are automatically rejected from your process lines.
bioClassu00ae is a high speed system capable of inspecting and automatically rejecting each non-conformance for rework or rejection.
Whilst X-ray and metal detectors ensure consumer safety, the bioClass is a complementary quality inspection technology that guarantees consistent product quality. With the modern age of social media, one bad consumer experience of your products can have a rapid negative effect on your companies brand.
One size does not suit all, we understand our customers have existing production lines and the addition of a new piece of inspection equipment won't always fit easily. Automate and Control LTD have the capability to build bespoke solutions to fit your current processing setup.
High speed nut quality inspection system, designed to reject the following non-conformances. Any component which does not have the same chemical signature as the nut we are inspecting including product with, bacterial Ggowth and foreign matter.
Automate and Control LTD not only provide Industry 4.0 end to end solutions but manufacture bespoke packaging and process equipment enabling your business to evolve with the revolution.